
Faces of The Energy Co-op: Colin Teague

By Noah Swistak – 8/31/22

When did you start and what do you do at The Energy Co-op?

I started on July 1st! As marketing manager, I lead The Energy Co-op’s marketing activities to grow membership and broaden the cooperative’s impact in the community. I create messaging for different marketing channels, develop marketing assets, and analyze the performance of all The Energy Co-op’s marketing activities.


What have you enjoyed about the work you have done so far?

I have really enjoyed getting to know my teammates and collaborating with all of them. The Energy Co-op has an incredibly passionate and smart staff and each of them has done a great job making sure I have all the knowledge I need to succeed!


Tell us a very interesting fact about yourself that we don’t already know.

I speak fluent Spanish. I started learning Spanish in middle school so it took a lot of hard work to become fluent.


What do you like (or dislike!) the most about living in Philly?

I really enjoy living in Philly for so many reasons, but what I like most is how much passion Philadelphians have for this city. I’ve never been anywhere else where residents are so enthusiastic to share their favorite spots, give helpful tips, and make sure I feel at home as a new resident.


What song has been your JAM this summer?

Swoon by Emily Wolfe. Great up and coming artist who can really shred on guitar.


What does sustainability mean to you and how do you put it into practice day to day?

To me, sustainability means maximizing what we already have instead of constantly creating new things. From an energy perspective, that means utilizing resources that are infinitely available around us, rather than extracting new ones. In my day-to-day life, that means using things I own for their full life cycle – trying to wear all my clothes for several years, using all my appliances until they stop working, and making sure old furniture finds a new home. Consumer culture wants us to buy new things when we don’t need them!


Do you have any goals for the rest of 2022?

At The Energy Co-op, my biggest goal is to develop a robust, data-driven marketing strategy across several mediums. In my personal life, I hope to get to know every neighborhood in Philadelphia (or as many as I possibly can)!


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