
Faces of The Energy Co-op: Scott Whittemore

By Morgan Pitts 4/22/2019

Scott joined us at The Energy Co-op in July of 2018, but has been engaged with the association for a while. His family have been Energy Co-op members for years, his father is a former board member and Scott himself was an intern in 2017. Over the past year he has been a great addition to the team and is always happy to help members who call with questions, comments, or concerns. While he and I talk on an almost daily basis, I enjoyed sitting down with him to hear more about his perspective on the last nine months. Below is a (lightly edited) transcript of our conversation:

What do you do at The Energy Co-op?

I handle member questions, complaints, inquiries from prospective members, essentially everything membership related. I also work on our digital marketing, web analytics, and manage our event presence. Other than that, I help out however I’m needed.

What’s the best part about working here?                  

The atmosphere at The Energy Co-op is great, and it’s awesome to work with a team of highly knowledgeable and motivated people that believe in the mission of the Co-op. Also, there’s always coffee.

What does sustainability mean to you?

It’s recognizing that actions that I take can and do have environmental consequences – sustainability means doing my best to minimize my impact on the planet.

Any standout moments since you started?

None specific, though some aren’t fun, like dropping a table while crossing a street at an event and making a mess. The best moments are at events where I get to talk to kids and people who are interested in renewable energy.

What do cooperatives mean to you?

I think the democratic control of a cooperative is interesting. While I haven’t worked for a for-profit company (I just graduated from college last year) I imagine their priorities are different. I like that the focus is on how we can best fulfill our mission, not how can we make the most money.

What do you do in your personal life to live sustainably?

I spend a lot of time hiking and camping and I always carry a second trash bag to pick up bottles or wrappers that other people leave behind. When in the city, I try not to buy single use plastics and always recycle.

Any exciting summer plans?

I’ll be going to New Hampshire with some friends to hike, climb, and camp for a few days this summer. I’m looking forward to climbing Mt. Washington and spending a few days in the mountains around there.

What else should we know about you?

I try to watch every baseball game of the season, but I won’t mention who my favorite team is for PR purposes.

Is there anything about you that may be surprising?

At any given time, I’m most likely listening to 80s and 90s hardcore punk music at my desk which people tend to find surprising.

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