
Faces of The Energy Co-op: Ron Fisher

By Scott Whittemore 2/8/2019

Ron Fisher joined the Co-op as Executive Director at the beginning of 2019. He is an experienced adviser on electric power and other energy projects, particularly solar power development. With over 30 years of executive leadership experience and energy expertise, Ron is certainly an interesting person to speak with. However, there are some things about him that many may not know or expect, so hopefully this interview paints a better picture of who the new face of The Energy Co-op is on a more personal level.

Can you explain your role at the Co-op?

As executive director, my principle focus is making sure that our members and our staff are happy.

 How do you like working here so far?

It’s been a blast! I really appreciate that we have such a highly qualified and committed group of people who work hard to support our various programs.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability means conducting ourselves in a way that, if everyone were to act in the same way, the world would be an environmentally safe and comfortable place to live.

What do you do in your personal life to live sustainably?

My wife and I are fortunate to have been able to equip our home with high-efficiency heating, air conditioning, and lighting systems. We drive fuel-efficient (in my case, hybrid) cars. We are also huge fans of farm-to-market shopping and are committed recyclers.

 What was your favorite part of 2018?

Any time I get to see my family in one place is my favorite part of the year. My family is spread-out over the country, so the few days a year of holidays and vacations I’m able to spend with my kids and grandkids are always the best ones.

Anything coming up that you’re excited for?

I’m excited that the weather is going to warm up in the next couple of months, allowing me to do what I enjoy most, which is boating. We spend a lot of time on the Eastern Shore of Maryland – generally with friends and family – fishing and crabbing on the water there.

Is there anything about you that may be surprising?

 I’ve written two novels, one published, the other out to market. The published one, Mid-City Errands, is a coming-of-age story about a 7-year-old kid in New Orleans, which is where I grew up.

Favorite restaurant in the city?

Well, my most recent meal is always my favorite one, laughs, so that would be The Love on Sansom Street. My favorite place in Center City is definitely the Locust Rendezvous, across from the Academy of Music.

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