
Faces of The Energy Co-op: Alexandra Kroger

By Scott Whittemore 11/9/2018

Really getting to know your co-workers is one of the joys of being on a small team. We are seven dedicated people consistently engaging with our community while providing transparently priced, sustainable energy choices. We also eat a whole lot of chocolate covered cashews. One of the things that makes us different is the personality that the Co-op has. I want to highlight that over the coming months with the Co-op Faces series. When you support the Co-op, you don’t just support the local clean energy movement, but authenticity and passion for a sustainable world.

Alexandra Kroger is our Energy Program Manager and sits directly next to me in our open office space, so naturally she is the first person I picked.


Can you explain your role at the Co-op for our members?

I manage the renewable electricity and renewable natural gas programs.

How long have you been on the team?

Since April of 2018!

What’s your favorite part of working for the Co-op?

I really love being able to do work that is genuinely meaningful and important to me. I’ve always considered renewable energy to be a major part of the fight against climate change, which I believe is the issue to be working on today. Plus, I enjoy being here. It’s a great place to work.

What does living sustainably mean to you?

For me, living sustainably means always looking towards the future before we decide our actions of today.

What does this look like in practice?

I’m very conservative with my energy use, I keep the AC at 80 degrees when I’m outside of the house, the heat at 68 when I’m outside in the winter, I make sure to provide whatever insulation I can on my windows and doors. I recycle, I try to reuse before I consider recycling, I walk and try to avoid driving as much as possible. I use public transportation when I need to, and I support organizations and events that are also part of the sustainability causes.

Any stand-out moments during your time at the Co-op so far?

I would have to say it’s the chances I’ve had to speak to people interested in living sustainably when I go to Co-op events. Seeing the impact that what we do has on people and the community shows the real value of what we’re striving for as well as gives value to what they’re doing. It creates an instant relationship between us and our members where we’re working together towards a common goal. This impact is one of the reasons that I love working at The Co-op so much. It lets me see just how wide-reaching the impact of this movement can be.

Of all of your volunteer opportunities, which is your favorite or the most rewarding?

Definitely the Land Health Institute in West Philadelphia. It’s an organization that focuses on ecological restoration projects for schools and organizations that might not be able to otherwise afford land rehabilitation. I enjoy helping with caring for the native plants in their nursery and then seeing the proceeds of sales go towards their future projects. It’s a nice way to get involved in the ecological side of the sustainability movement.

Any upcoming plans you’re excited for?

I generally prefer to live spontaneously so that I can be open to new opportunities, but I’m very excited to visit my brother and my mother-in-law for Thanksgiving. I don’t have any family in Philadelphia so it’s nice to get out and travel and see my family.

What’s your favorite part of Fall?

I really enjoy the fashion and getting to wear different boots and sweaters, but don’t write that down. Laughs. Honestly, on a deeper level, the transition of seasons and seeing that state of change helps me to realize how much our actions affect that and just how important it is to be mindful of what we do.

Favorite mixed drink?

I’m definitely partial to a good Tequila Sour.

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