
PYN Intern: Go solar, support the community.

By: Frank Stern, Philadelphia Youth Network intern 9/24/2018

As a youth In Philadelphia, opportunities don’t come easily. But, learning about clean energy and training to install solar panels is a great opportunity for the future. Philadelphians should take advantage of renewable energy as it makes us more self-sufficient than dependent on big energy companies. One particular clean energy source is on the rise all over the world: solar energy. Solar captures the sun’s rays to create electricity and to heat water for homes and businesses. Over the past few years the demand for solar has increased which creates job opportunities for solar installers, technicians and other solar professions. Having access to training on solar installation gives me a head start on job opportunities in this growing field. It’s great to be young in this industry because I can grow with it. With many jobs to choose from, the possibilities are endless. The number of solar jobs exceeded the number of jobs in gas and coal twofold in the year 2016.

Renewable energy doesn’t just benefit me, but it also benefits our community. Cutting back on emissions from grid power helps make the air cleaner. Investing in solar means that you invest in local jobs and the community while you also save money on energy. Doing so allows you to join a community of people striving to make a difference by using a cleaner and more sustainable source of energy. Along with benefiting your community, there are incentives for putting solar on your roof which can save you money for making a difference.

With all that is going on in the world of renewable energy, why not join in? You will be using clean energy and you will be supporting programs that teach young people how to install renewable energy. This shows that there is a bright future for us with better jobs. Internship programs such as this one at The Energy Co-op are important to me as this program gives me an opportunity to learn more about how the distribution of energy works.

About the author: Frank Stern was a 2018 Philadelphia Youth Network high school intern who spent his summer doing research and supporting the work of The Energy Co-op.

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